Students & Society

Which of These Description Apply to You?


+ Appeals to the best in each person.
+ Advice giver and "cheerleader".
+ Comfortable with people.
+ Thinks of ways to motivate and help others.
+ Simplifies - makes the work look easy.
+ Gives credit to others.
+ Straightforward.
+ Admits own mistakes; comforts others when they admit theirs.

==Non leader==

+ Distrustful; believes all people are lazy and dishonest.
+ Expects orders to be followed without comment or question.
+ Hard to get to know.
+ Thinks only of his or her status, how he or she looks to others.
+ Complicates - makes the work seem more difficult.
+ Takes credit; complains about lack of good people.
+ Tricky; manipulates people.
+ Never admits mistakes; blames others.


Being Part of a Group

Groups require leaders. Someone must take charge of the group. Someone must set the group's purpose or determine how the group is going to operate. These actions are leadership behaviours.

A leader guides, directs, or influences the thoughts, feeling, or behaviour of others. All of us are leaders at one time or another. A person does not even have to be in a position of authority to be a leader. When you are with two or three friends, one of you will be a leader, influencing the way the group behaves.

To be a good leader takes skill. You need to be willing to listen to others, but you must also be able to make your own decisions. You need to understand people's strengths and weaknesses so that you can help them do their best.

Of course, where there is a leader, there must be followers. Every group needs followers. If everyone tried to be the leader, the group would become divided and might even stop being a group.

Followers are the "doers." They carry out the purpose and goals of the group. It is important that followers think about the directions their leaders give. Good followers do not follow blindly.
They ask themselves, "Am I doing what is right? Will this make me a better person, or will it bring harm to me or to others?"

You can be a leader in one situation and a follower in another. You may be a leader with your best friend, a follower in a school club, and a follower in most of your family situatuions.

Remember, a leader must understand, willing to listen and able to make decisions. And followers must not follow blindly.

*Have you answered the question "Which Description Apply to You?"